Mastering JSON: Combine Multiple JSON_Group_Array in MySQL
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Mastering JSON: Combine Multiple JSON_Group_Array in MySQL

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Are you tired of dealing with complex JSON data in your MySQL database? Do you struggle to combine multiple JSON arrays into a single, coherent structure? Fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got you covered! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of JSON aggregation and explore the wonders of the JSON_GROUP_ARRAY function.


The JSON_GROUP_ARRAY function is a powerful aggregation function in MySQL that allows you to group JSON data into a single array. It’s a game-changer for anyone working with JSON data, as it enables you to simplify complex data structures and perform intricate operations with ease.


To use JSON_GROUP_ARRAY, you’ll need a basic understanding of JSON data and MySQL syntax. Here’s a quick primer:

  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format.
  • In MySQL, JSON data is stored as a string.
  • The JSON_GROUP_ARRAY function takes a column name as an argument and returns an array of JSON objects.

SELECT JSON_GROUP_ARRAY(column_name) FROM table_name;

This basic syntax will group all JSON objects in the specified column into a single array.

Combining Multiple JSON_Group_Array

But what if you need to combine multiple JSON arrays into a single structure? That’s where things get interesting. Let’s consider an example:

  id INT,
  customer_id INT,
  order_items JSON

INSERT INTO orders (id, customer_id, order_items)
  (1, 1, '["item1", "item2"]'),
  (2, 1, '["item3", "item4"]'),
  (3, 2, '["item5", "item6"]');

In this example, we have an orders table with three rows, each containing a JSON array of order items. Our goal is to combine these arrays into a single JSON object, grouped by customer ID.

  JSON_OBJECTAGG('order_items', JSON_GROUP_ARRAY(order_items)) AS order_items

This query uses the JSON_OBJECTAGG function to create a JSON object for each customer ID, with the combined order items array as a value.

customer_id order_items
1 {“order_items”: [“item1”, “item2”, “item3”, “item4”]}
2 {“order_items”: [“item5”, “item6”]}

As you can see, we’ve successfully combined the multiple JSON arrays into a single JSON object for each customer ID.

Nesting Multiple JSON_Group_Array

What if we need to nest multiple JSON arrays within each other? Let’s consider an example:

  id INT,
  customer_id INT,
  order_items JSON,
  order_subitems JSON

INSERT INTO orders (id, customer_id, order_items, order_subitems)
  (1, 1, '["item1", "item2"]', '["subitem1", "subitem2"]'),
  (2, 1, '["item3", "item4"]', '["subitem3", "subitem4"]'),
  (3, 2, '["item5", "item6"]', '["subitem5", "subitem6"]');

In this example, we have an orders table with three rows, each containing two JSON arrays: order_items and order_subitems. Our goal is to combine these arrays into a nested JSON object, grouped by customer ID.

  ) AS order_summary

This query uses the JSON_OBJECTAGG function to create a JSON object for each customer ID, with two properties: order_items and order_subitems, each containing a combined JSON array.

customer_id order_summary
1 {“order_items”: [“item1”, “item2”, “item3”, “item4”], “order_subitems”: [“subitem1”, “subitem2”, “subitem3”, “subitem4”]}
2 {“order_items”: [“item5”, “item6”], “order_subitems”: [“subitem5”, “subitem6”]}

We’ve successfully nested multiple JSON arrays within each other, creating a complex JSON object for each customer ID.

Best Practices for Combining Multiple JSON_Group_Array

When working with complex JSON data, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure data integrity and readability:

  1. Use meaningful column names: Choose column names that accurately reflect the data they contain.
  2. Validate JSON data: Ensure that JSON data is properly formatted and validated before combining it.
  3. Nest JSON arrays carefully: Plan your JSON structure carefully to avoid nesting too many levels deep.
  4. Use meaningful property names: Choose property names that accurately reflect the data they contain.
  5. Test and iterate: Test your queries and iterate on them to ensure you’re getting the desired results.

By following these best practices, you’ll be able to combine multiple JSON arrays with ease and create complex JSON structures that are both readable and maintainable.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the world of JSON aggregation in MySQL and learned how to combine multiple JSON arrays into a single, coherent structure. We’ve covered the basics of JSON_GROUP_ARRAY, nesting multiple JSON arrays, and best practices for combining complex JSON data.

With the knowledge and techniques presented in this article, you’ll be able to tackle even the most complex JSON data with confidence. So go ahead, master the art of JSON aggregation, and take your MySQL skills to the next level!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with combining multiple json_group_array? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

How do I combine multiple json_group_array in a single query?

You can combine multiple json_group_array using the JSON_AGG function with multiple columns. For example: SELECT JSON_AGG(x), JSON_AGG(y) FROM table_name. This will group the results by the specified columns and return an array of JSON objects.

What is the difference between json_group_array and json_agg?

json_group_array and json_agg are similar, but not exactly the same. json_group_array is used to group rows into a single JSON array, while json_agg is used to aggregate values into a JSON array. json_agg is more flexible and can be used with other aggregate functions, whereas json_group_array is specifically designed for grouping.

Can I use multiple json_group_array with different columns?

Yes, you can use multiple json_group_array with different columns. For example: SELECT JSON_GROUP_ARRAY(x, y), JSON_GROUP_ARRAY(z, w) FROM table_name. This will group the results by the specified columns and return separate JSON arrays for each group.

How do I concatenate multiple json_group_array into a single JSON object?

You can use the JSON_OBJECT function to concatenate multiple json_group_array into a single JSON object. For example: SELECT JSON_OBJECT(‘x’, JSON_GROUP_ARRAY(x), ‘y’, JSON_GROUP_ARRAY(y)) FROM table_name. This will return a single JSON object with the combined arrays.

Can I use json_group_array with aggregate functions like SUM or AVG?

No, json_group_array cannot be used with aggregate functions like SUM or AVG. json_group_array is a grouping function, and it doesn’t support aggregate functions. Instead, you can use json_agg with the aggregate function, like JSON_AGG(SUM(x)) or JSON_AGG(AVG(y)).

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